
The vision of the Haven Recreation Reserve committee has always been to provide a multitude of sports and passive recreational activities all at one facility – a one stop shop – with something for all ages, interests and abilities. The reserve now has a permanent water supply to its soccer / hockey field. This provides year round opportunities for sports or activities on the grass. The Horsham Rural City Council do a fantastic job mowing, maintaining and watering our playing field and lawns.
We also have twelve state-of-the-art tennis courts, with a host of programs available from beginners through to seniors.
If you are a coach or volunteer with coaching experience in any sports, we would love you to come on board. We definitely have the children and families, all we need are the programs. It has been proven in the past at Haven that if you provide good programs, the children and their families will come.
The more sport and recreation opportunities we can provide at the reserve, the more chance we have to prove the need for continually improving facilities at Haven. The added bonus being – not having to travel all over the country when we can be learning, playing and competing in our own backyards.
Whether participating in traditional sports such as Tennis, Netball, Football, Cricket, Hockey, Soccer, Softball, Athletics, Basketball, Dancing or just having some social fun flying kites, going for walks or skimming Frisbees – these are some of the programs that we would like to offer at Haven.
For further information or if you are a coach or sports volunteer please call Sue 0409 257 256. Help us to make it happen.
Haven Tennis Club
4380 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham 3401
Sue Exell –
Like Haven Tennis Club on Facebook
The Haven Tennis Club welcomes people to join their club – whether it is for a social hit on the courts or for training and competition – we are a progressive club who are keen to grow and develop into the future.
It was exciting and an honour to host the John Fitzgerald Cup at Haven in October 2016 – a tournament for the elite 13 & Under Boys. Fantastic talent and sportsmanship was shown over the weekend.
How exciting it was for both Rebecca Bird and myself (Sue Exell) to attend the Australian Open in January 2017 with our little Tennis Hot Shots champions who gave a demonstration on centre court during the open with three of them tossing the coin for the player’s respective matches (Aiden Reinheimer tossing the coin on centre court). An amazing and memorable day for us all.
It was also a great experience and honour for myself (Sue Exell) to attend the 2017 Grand Slam Coaches Conference at Melbourne Park in January 2017. Three full days of amazing guest speakers, demonstrations and networking with coaches from across Australia and other countries. Very inspirational and now keen to implement some changes.
In 2023 Haven hosted the Ball Kids tryouts for the first time with a Come n Try day for children wishing to try out as ball kids for the Australian Open. Haven is now one of the official trial centers for the Australian Open Ball Kids, which is very exciting.
The club is fortunate to have 12 excellent concrete courts with great viewing and plenty of parking. There is a great lawn area fully fenced in for the safety of children with lots of shade and a great playground.
We have excellent numbers of children playing in the junior teams.
Our club’s vision is to improve the numbers of players participating in the senior and junior teams. We are always keen for new competition players to come on board – so don’t miss out – names are taken around August each year or contact the club secretary.
Now with tennis it’s not all about the Saturday competition. There are some great programs available and it is the vision of the club to provide as many as possible when possible:
ANZ Hot Shots program for learners from six years old.
Cardio Tennis – perfect for secondary age and adults.
Mums & Tots Tennis
Seniors Tennis
Ladies Days
Night Tennis – Men’s, Ladies, Mixed (lights – coming soon)
Private & Group Coaching
Haven and Horsham now have a qualified tennis coach available, coaching all ages from 3 years old through to senior players. Call Jeremy Quast on 0414 991 623.
In 2021 the Haven Tennis Club celebrated its centenary year with many past and present members and their families attending. Haven has a long history of premierships, great memories and friendships. The centenary was a great chance to showcase the club’s facilities, its vast array or memorabilia and its plans for the future.
Tennis has always been a strong focus for the Haven community, with the club being one of the biggest clubs in the Central Wimmera Tennis Association – mainly due to the continual commitment of our senior players and the strong junior development programs that have been provided over the years.
4376 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham 3401
Sue Exell 0409 257 256
If there are any hockey coaches or parent volunteers interested in starting up hockey at Haven, please give Sue a call. The reserve has a fully irrigated and maintained grass playing field that caters for two hockey fields. The field is located directly behind the Haven Primary School – perfect for after school activities.
Horsham Dog Obedience Club
4376 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham 3401
Tarni Rees 0447 745 296
The Horsham Dog Obedience has settled into their new home at the Haven Recreation Reserve. Their training sessions are held on Sunday mornings and they welcome new participants to their group.
Horsham Golf Club
304 Golf Course Road, Haven via Horsham 3400
The Horsham Golf Club is the perfect venue for weddings and conferences. Their new Reception Centre overlooks their magnificent golf course. The Golf Club has the reputation of providing one of the best golf courses across Victoria and Australia..
Indoor Carpet Bowls
Haven Hall
Donald Timmins 0427 850 123
Friday Evenings – 7PM to 9:30PM
The Haven Indoor Carpet Bowlers have been running their event in the hall since 1958. Their group provides a relaxed social night of bowls for all ages and abilities. No experience is necessary and the group are always keen for new players to participate.
Haven Netball Court
Sue Exell 0409 257 256
The Recreation Reserve committee would welcome any netball coaches or parents interested in starting up some programs at Haven – whether it be for children or adults – give Sue a call. There is a full-sized court available to use.
4376 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham 3401
Sue Exell 0409 257 256
If there are any soccer coaches or parent volunteers interested in starting up soccer at Haven, please give Sue a call. The reserve has a fully irrigated and maintained grass playing field that caters for a full sized soccer field. The field is located directly behind the Haven Primary School.
The new Activities Field, behind the Haven Primary School, provides a full-size Soccer field as well as two Hockey fields. The Haven Primary School students love playing soccer and hope that one day a Soccer Club will make their home at Haven. If anyone is interested in playing or coaching soccer at Haven, please give the committee a call – perfect for after school activities.