
Activities at Haven
Take a walk along one of the many walking tracks and enjoy the rural atmosphere, birds and wildlife along the way.
Take your family or friends on a bike ride and look at the splendid new homes, the historic old homes and the vast gardens.
Admire the Bungalally and McKenzie Creeks with their hundreds of majestic gum trees and native pines.
Call in and check out the wetlands on the reserve or enjoy a BBQ with family at the hall.
Twelve tennis courts are available to the community free of charge at all times (except during competition and coaching sessions).
Throw a few hoops at the basketball ring or practice your tennis skills against the rebound wall.
Check out our WWI Memorial, including landscaping on “Anzac Park Haven” in front of the school – an area that is soon to be developed.
Check out the large mural at Anzac Park depicting the irrigation story when Engineer John Dixon Derry came to the Wimmera to develop the massive irrigation channel system. Included are the two new irrigation history boards in the gazebo and an original irrigation wheel.
We invite people to attach a padlock to our newest Black Saturday project – launched on February 2nd, 2019 by the Hon Linda Dessau, Governor of Victoria along with her husband Mr Anthony Howard. We encourage people to add a special lock in memory of family or friends, or someone or something special in your life.
Art & Craft Mondays
Haven Hall, 4378 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham, Vic 3401
Rhonda Coffey (0409 811 475)
1st & 4th Mondays, 1 – 3pm
Gold coin donation and a small afternoon tea to share
Haven’s Art & Craft Mondays provide a very social and friendly afternoon of craft activities. The ladies are armed with an amazing variety of skills, ideas and knowledge which they are more than happy to share. No need to book – just come along. Feel free to bring friends – everyone is welcome. The building is fully air-conditioned with plenty of parking and disabled access close to the entrances.
Haven Market
4378 Henty Highway, Haven 3401
Contact & Bookings:
Sue Exell (0409 257 256)
We welcome visitors to the Haven Market, a monthly event held on the first Saturday of each month (no January markets). All funds raised are used to improve facilities for the benefit of the community, the primary school and visitors.
Hundreds of people enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the Market located in a picturesque bush setting only 5 minutes from Horsham.
There is always a diverse range of stalls from delicious homemade sauces, relish, cakes, slices and jams, award winning / locally grown honey, through to locally made arts and crafts, baby products, plants and so much more – always something new.
Sit and enjoy a cappuccino or hot chocolate, indulge in a hot donut or some homemade cakes while listening to the toe-tapping live music provided by Don Papst and members of the Key Change band.
Between 8 – 10am the Tennis Club’s Egg & Bacon Muffin Breakfasts are a must and a delicious BBQ is supplied by the Horsham Lions Club.
Enjoy a hot cheese toasty and a spiral potato is a must.
In December, we welcome everyone to our Twilight Christmas Market which runs from 4-8pm. A large variety of stalls with something for everyone.
Please don’t miss Haven’s monthly market – it is a very popular event – not just for the produce it provides but the welcoming community spirit of the bush.
The market is run by a small committee of volunteers. If you have a spare hour or two and would like to be involved, give Sue a call on 0409 257 256. The perfect way to make friends and maybe meet some of your neighbours.
Haven Memorial Hall
4378 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham 3401
Bookings / Information:
Call Horsham Rural City Council on 5382 9777
The Haven Hall is ‘The Hub’ of our community and is one of the busiest halls in the district with currently around 500 uses each year.
Our current permanent user groups are:
* Haven Primary School
* Haven Tennis Club
* Haven Market
* Rock n Roll
* Art & Craft Mondays
* Haven’s Bush Playgroup
* Community meetings
* Fit4You (a fitness program for all ages)
The hall is also available for private functions such as birthday parties, anniversaries, weddings, concerts, business training days. The building is fully air-conditioned, has a large outdoor entertaining area with shade sails, two electric BBQ’s and has an excellent playground including lawns that are all fully fenced.
*** The hall is also used as a Relief Centre in emergencies and a Polling Booth ***
Haven’s Bush Playgroup
Haven Hall, 4378 Henty Highway, Haven via Horsham, Vic 3401
Sue 0409 257 256 Di 0438 456 839 Lesley 0409 954 684
Tuesday mornings (school terms) 10am –11.30am
Weekly cost:
Haven’s Bush Playgroup $3 (per family) weekly.
Your own snack box and drink bottle. For bushwalk days or farm visits, bring gum boots, hats, raincoats (if needed) and backpacks.
Click here!
Haven’s Bush Playgroup provides something different for families. From playtime in the playground, arts and craft in the hall, to exploring in the bush (weather permitting). Local farm visits to see calves, chickens and horses. Teddy bear picnics, animal hunts, treasure hunts, bird watching, bug catching and lots more. Sports days are also great fun.
The families all join in when Di entertains the children with her guitar and favorite nursery rhymes.
The group welcomes new families to come along and join in – be prepared to get dirty. Check Facebook for upcoming events.
Haven Recreation Reserve
4376 Henty Highway, Haven Vic 3401
Call Horsham Rural City Council Bookings on 53829777
The Haven Recreation Reserve is currently managed by the council whose role it is to maintain and develop the twenty-three acre reserve, the crown land in front of the school (known as Anzac Par) and the crown land where the hall is. The Haven Community Enterprise Inc committee works closely with the council, the school and various user groups with planning for all areas. The aim is to all work together to improve the area for the benefit of the growing community.
The Reserve consists of twelve state-of-the-art tennis courts all with excellent access and viewing; one concrete netball court; a fully fenced playground including lawns and sandpit; a fully irrigated and maintained soccer / hockey field; a network of stormwater harvesting wetlands, ponds and a storage dam. The reserve is the site of our developing Sports Hub including and oval and Community Centre with elevated viewing areas.
The Crown Land consists of our 60+ year old hall with outdoor paved area, electric BBQ’s, picnic tables and shade.
Anzac Park, is crown land in front of the school. It has a developing wayside stop with public toilets; picnic gazebo including local history boards; a network of pathways, landscaping and our Black Saturday commemorative time capsule. There are plans to include improved access and parking, improved seating and shaded areas with lawns and landscaping.
On Remembrance Day 2015 a WWI monument was dedicated to our community diggers. In 2016 an Irrigation Mural and history boards were launched; and in 2019 our Black Saturday Remembrance Rails were officially opened by the Governor of Victoria Hon Linda Dessau – a special place where padlocks can be attached in memory of someone or something special.
Our Haven Community Inc committee continually works with the council to develop this precinct into a lovely wayside stop area that can be enjoyed by both the community and its many visitors travelling along the Henty Highway.
The original school was opened in 1913. Since building a new building in 2009, student numbers have more than doubled in size with current student numbers around 100+. The school has direct access to the twelve tennis courts, netball court, soccer / hockey field, playground and the hall and will benefit greatly from the newly developed Anzac Park and Sports Hub when it is completed.
The reserve is also surrounded by a network of bicycle / walking paths to allow the children safe access to the school and reserve. The paths are regularly used by local families. The community are working with the council to develop more interlinking walking tracks to service the growing community.
There is also a natural landlocked Bushland Reserve directly behind the reserve, which is full of birds and wildlife. The committee will be working towards developing this area into more wetlands and walking tracks for the community and its visitors to benefit from.
4376 Henty Highway, Haven Vic 3401
There is a great playground and sandpit for the children to play in – all fully fenced – with lots of lawn area for the children to run around in or maybe for a family game of cricket. There are shade sails over the play equipment, two free electric BBQ’s with picnic tables and seats available.
We encourage families to come along and enjoy the playground facilities because the area has been built for families to freely enjoy.